
Hi! I’m Nancy, and I’m using this website to record previous articles I’ve written as well as post new ones. I am the first student to take the MA by Research course in Film, Theatre and Television at the University of Reading. I have written for The Oxford Student, CherwellTAKE ONE Cinema and Screen Daily, and I have also undertaken research for Empire magazine. While I have written several articles about television and gaming, my central interests reside in film reviews and essays.

My debut monograph, The Sound of Silence: Ryan Gosling, Expressionism and the Silent Hero in 21st-Century Film, was released in e-Book format in January 2024, followed by a release in hardback in February 2024. The paperback version will be released in September 2025.


A Gary Oldman Appreciation Post

I recently finished watching the third season of Slow Horses, so I thought I’d give a shout out to my favourite film actor of all time. A few of his finest performances are highlighted below.

Review: A Load of Old Films

No, that’s not the name of the film, I just decided to watch a decent variety of films that happened to be on the shorter side of things, and along that rationale, I’ll be giving them particularly short and (un)insightful reviews. Whoop.


Email: nancyepton@icloud.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NancyEpton

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nancy-epton-377666295/