
Hi! I’m Nancy, and I’m using this website to record previous articles I’ve written as well as post new ones. I am the first student to take the MA by Research course in Film, Theatre and Television at the University of Reading. I have written for The Oxford Student, CherwellTAKE ONE Cinema and Screen Daily, and I have also undertaken research for Empire magazine. While I have written several articles about television and gaming, my central interests reside in film reviews and essays.

My debut monograph, The Sound of Silence: Ryan Gosling, Expressionism and the Silent Hero in 21st-Century Film, was released in e-Book format in January 2024, followed by a release in hardback in February 2024. The paperback version will be released in September 2025.


The Ryan Gosling Ranking

I recently watched the last couple of RG films I had to see, so they’re all ticked off the list. Yes, you heard (read?) right. All 27 of ‘em in all their glory. And sometimes not glory, ‘cause not all of ‘em are great. But hey, they can’t all be real heroes.


Email: nancyepton@icloud.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NancyEpton

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nancy-epton-377666295/